Established in 1929, Metairie Park Country Day School is a co-educational, non-denominational, independent school. Situated on a beautiful 15-acre campus, Country Day enriches the lives of talented young people in a dynamic learning environment filled with thoughtful, passionate adults united in our mission to help students learn to be “flexible, to be adaptable, and to face the challenges of life with honor, optimism, confidence, creativity, and a sense of humor.” The School prioritizes curiosity, critical thinking, character, and citizenship as essential outcomes for all graduates.

Why Country Day

List of 3 items.

  • A Focus on the Individual

    Reflected in small class sizes, flexible scheduling, multi-age classrooms (in lower school), intentional social-emotional learning curriculum, and in the myriad opportunities for students to participate on athletic teams, in the visual and performing arts, and in community service related projects. Together, this focus helps ensure that our graduates succeed in getting into the college of their choice and in life. 
  • A Challenging, Rigorous, and Global Curriculum

    Offered through programs in the classroom, out in the community, and by traveling the world - literally or through cyber-space. Our students are given the opportunity to explore languages, participate in innovative, individually-tailored courses, and experience the richness of other cultures through travel abroad programs, by participating in Global Online Academy courses, or by selecting one of 17 AP courses. 

  • A Strong Community

    Established and reinforced as faculty and students join together in advisory, during our family-style lunches, at little lunch, during our football fan dinners, and through participation in our various buddy programs across divisions. Our community is further strengthened by our commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.

List of 6 items.

  • 750

    Students Pre-K-12
    Our students learn to face the challenges of life with honor, optimism, confidence, creativity, and a sense of humor.
  • 15

    Acre Campus
    Where the community-oriented values of Country Day are exemplified by the physical campus.
  • 8:1-18:1

    Student-Teacher Ratio
    Teachers form meaningful relationships with students as they prepare them for college and for life.
  • 17

    AP Courses
    Where students are challenged and supported through an educational approach that combines rigor and accountability with creativity and flexibility.
  • 50

    Athletic Teams
    Our "no-cut" policy allows student-athletes to be part of 19 sports or 50 middle, junior varsity, and varsity teams.
  • 1,500

    Student Works
    Student art is displayed in Georges Art Gallery and shared with our community during Lower, Middle, Upper, and AP and Honors Art Shows.


List of 4 events.

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