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Student reads in Bright Library

Inspiring Curiosity and Academic Success

Students have access to two vibrant libraries, offering comfortable, inviting spaces where they are encouraged to follow their interests and expand their horizons through literature and self-guided inquiry. 

The library’s collection of books, periodicals, and online research databases are curated to reflect the interests and experiences of our diverse community of learners and encourage students to see the world through a variety of perspectives.

The librarians regularly collaborate with faculty to support their curricular goals and build students’ research skills as they progress through the three divisions. 

Library Hours

Lower School Library

Monday - Friday
7:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.

Bright Library

Monday - Thursday
7:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

7:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.


How Many Books Can You Carry
lower school students explore books in the library

How Many Books Can You Carry?

There is no limit to the number of books students can check out at a time, and there are no overdue fines. So, how many books can you carry?

Student Reading in Lower School Library
Student Reading in Lower School Library

Lower School

The Lower School Library, a thoughtfully designed space, fosters a reading culture with dedicated library time for each class to read aloud and select multiple books. Research shows that access to books boosts academic success, and read-aloud sessions enhance comprehension, vocabulary, focus, and information processing. Students also learn library organization and research skills.

Students doing classwork in Bright Library
Students work in groups in Bright Library

Bright Library 

An academic and social hub for middle and upper school students and teachers. Librarians teach research and information literacy skills, helping students become responsible consumers and producers of information through various projects. The flexible space is popular for social gatherings, studying, group work, book recommendations, reading challenges, and clubs.

Upper School Writing Lab

The Writing Lab within Bright Library is available to upper school students who would like help with brainstorming, planning, or revising their writing assignments. Our English department faculty supports the Writing Lab and aims to support the development of sound, creative, and analytical writing skills in a smaller setting.

Last year alone, the Writing Lab provided support to students through 294 visits across 14 courses.

The Bright Podcast

Illuminating voices from the students of
Metairie Park Country Day School.

The Bright Podcast