John Pope Book Signing

Dining Room
John Pope will sign his book Getting Off at Elysian Fields:  Obituaries from the New Orleans Times-Picayune.

Want an autographed book but cannot make it to the signing?  Fill out the preorder form here.

Click on "More Details" for book description.
Getting Off at Elysian Fields: Obituaries from the New Orleans Times-Picayune by John Pope

No city in America knows how to mark death with more funerary panache than New Orleans. The pageants commemorating departed citizens are often in themselves works of performance art. A grand obituary remains key to this Stygian passage. And no one writes them like New Orleanian John Pope. Collected here are not just simple, mindless recitations of schools and workplaces, marriages, and mourners bereft. These pieces in Getting Off at Elysian Fields are full-blooded life stories with accounts of great achievements, dubious dabblings, unavoidable foibles, relationships gone sour, and happenstances that turn out to be life-changing. 